AABS Network

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United States
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AACSB International (AACSB), a global nonprofit association, connects educators, students, and business to achieve a common goal: to create the next generation of great leaders.

Synonymous with the highest standards of excellence since 1916, AACSB provides quality assurance, business education intelligence, and learning and development services to over 1,700 member organizations and more than 900 accredited business schools worldwide.

When educational, professional, and business organizations become members of the AACSB Business Education Alliance, they are part of a movement united to improve the quality of business education around the world. AACSB connects, shares, and inspires innovation and quality throughout the member network, as well as the business community. The collective strength of the organization is founded on diverse perspectives, a global mindset, and a commitment to making a difference.

The global organization has offices located in Tampa, Florida, USA; Amsterdam, the Netherlands; and Singapore.

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The ACBSP (Accreditation Council for Business Schools and Programs) is a global accrediting body dedicated to advancing quality in business education. It focuses on ensuring that business programs meet high standards of excellence through rigorous evaluations of faculty, curriculum, and student outcomes. ACBSP's accreditation is recognized worldwide and provides institutions with access to a network of business educators, resources for continuous improvement, and credibility that enhances the      value of their degrees.

ALU School of Business
ALU School of Business
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The ALU School of Business (ALUSB) is a part of African Leadership University (ALU), which is accredited by the Higher Education Council of Rwanda and is located in the heart of the Rwandan capital, Kigali. The ALUSB MBA degree is awarded by African Leadership University.

ALUSB launched its first MBA class in 2016 and graduated its first class in July 2018.


In less than 6000 days, Africa will have the largest workforce in the world. This population boom could either be a humanitarian global crisis or the greatest source of global prosperity. The vision of the ALU School of Business is to serve as a catalyst for prosperity in Africa by developing African business leaders and entrepreneurs to help make this century The African Century!

Africa Academy of Management
Africa Academy of Management
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To perform and support educational activities that contribute to intellectual and operational leadership in the field of management within the African context.


To foster the general advancement of knowledge and scholarship in the theory and practice of management among African scholars and/or academics interested in management and organization issues in Africa.

Africa Business School
Africa Business School
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As part of Mohammed VI Polytechnic University (UM6P), Africa Business School was founded by OCP, the Global leader of phosphate industry and one of the largest fertilizer producers in the world. Mohammed VI Polytechnic University is an institution dedicated to research and innovation in Africa and aims to position itself among world-renowned universities in its fields.

The Business School’s ambition is to respond to the most crucial challenges facing Africa and the world in general, by being dedicated to the development of the continent’s future leaders through training, research, and innovation. With a hybrid pedagogy centered on the human being, Africa Business School brings a different perspective to leadership. In all of its programs, it develops both analytical and holistic skills of its participants, both quantitative and qualitative, cognitive and emotional, managerial, and technological. It also includes, as a cornerstone of its training, the responsibility to society to develop culturally and socially responsible leaders. Africa Business School joins forces with the most prestigious international academic partners to deliver its various programs.

African University of Management & Technologies (AUM)
African University of Management & Technologies (AUM)
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We are a high-performance university serving economic, social and cultural development while remaining rooted in the value systems that underpin the Gabonese Nation

Analysis Institute of Management
Analysis Institute of Management
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Analysis Institute of Management accompagne depuis 15 ans, les cadres et dirigeants dans la région Océan Indien en s’impliquant dans le développement économique local et régional. Des Masters et programmes exécutifs pour les professionnels de l’Océan Indien, délivrés à Maurice en partenariat avec l’Université Paris-Dauphine et l’IAE Paris – Sorbonne Business School.

BEM Management School, Dakar
BEM Management School, Dakar
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After 12 years of existence in Dakar and having been several times named the best Business School in French-speaking black Africa by the magazine Jeune Afrique, BEM is today recognized as the Grande Ecole of management capable of training students up to the standards of challenges of the global economy, agile, daring and responsible.

Canary Islands Business School
Canary Islands Business School
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Canary Islands Business School (Fundación Escuela de Negocios MBA) is a non profit institution focused on business development, studies and research in Las Palmas de Gran Canaria.

Founded in 1986, CIBS is a private institution offering undergraduate programmes as well as executive education (MBA´s and executive development programmes). We also run pre undergraduate business camps and winter and summer school executive programmes for international executives.

With a clear international vocation, our mission is to provide our students with a versatile and updated knowledge in business and entrepreneurship for their development as future leaders, CEO and prestigious professionals.

Case Center
Case Center
United Kingdom
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The Case Centre is the independent home of the case method. They are dedicated to advancing the case method worldwide, sharing knowledge, wisdom and experience to inspire and transform business education across the globe. They are a not-for-profit organisation and registered charity.

Mission and activities

  • distribute the world’s largest collection of management case studies, articles and books on behalf of all the major business schools and internationally respected authors worldwide
  • provide training in case method teaching, learning and writing led by globally renowned experts
  • run international case competitions and awards
  • offer scholarships to unpublished case writers and new case teachers
  • publish books and articles by eminent case method specialists
  • offer authors an efficient and effective worldwide case publishing and distribution service
  • curate the annual #WorldCaseTeachingDay.
Católica Porto Business School
Católica Porto Business School
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To develop professionals for a global, sustainable and ethical society, and advance knowledge on management and economics, through impactful innovation, connections with practice and adoption of a global mindset.


Católica Porto Business School aims to be recognised as:

- A prestigious research-intensive European school of business and economics;
- A leading European school with respect to making a meaningful impact on society and practice;
- A prime option for students seeking holistic development as individuals.


Católica Porto Business School aims to develop high-value, differentiated value propositions across its activities.

Católica Porto Business School shares the humanist principles of Universidade Católica Portuguesa, such as the protection of people’s dignity, respect for justice and equality, honesty and integrity. The School aims to develop individuals holistically, equipping them to thrive in a global, interconnected world. Since its inception, the School’s raison d’être has been strongly rooted in principles of responsible management, and ethics and sustainability are central to its mission.

Católica Porto Business School has a deeply-ingrained innovation and pioneering culture, striving to be on the forefront of the activities it is engaged in. To do so, the School adopts a proactive attitude of experimentation and a continuous improvement mindset.

Strategic Axes

The School’s values, mission and vision are translated into strategic direction through three strategic axes:

- Impactful Innovation
- Connections with Practice
- Global Mindset

Center for Legal Business Studies
Center for Legal Business Studies
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CLBS aims to be the Centre of Excellence for quality specialist training in Law and Business within the Indian Ocean.

China Europe International Business School, Africa
China Europe International Business School, Africa
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The CEIBS Africa project was launched in 2008 with a mission to prepare highly competent innovation-oriented managers and executives who are capable of leading and growing their organisations in the increasingly dynamic African economic environment. These are leaders who are capable of negotiating the forces of globalisation and international competition for the benefit of their organisations.

Convinced of our ability to replicate, in Africa, the contributions CEIBS has made to the Chinese economy through providing access to world class management education to the country, CEIBS has a renewed focus on corporate social responsibility in Africa. From our facilities in Accra, and other locations across the continent, we will periodically provide week-long fully funded business management classes for African government officials and business executives.

Emphasis will also be placed on Company Specific Programmes (CSPs) and a number of open enrolment programmes to help company scale up operations and apply best practices in their businesses.

The Global executive MBA will have modules in the facility in Africa, thereby bringing together executives from Europe, Asia and Africa to facilitate the exchange of knowledge and experience between the continents.

EFMD Global
EFMD Global
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Founded in 1972, EFMD is a global, non-profit, membership-driven organisation dedicated to management development. It is recognised globally as an accreditation body for business schools, business school programmes, and corporate universities.

Our mission

Act as a catalyst to promote and enhance excellence in management development globally

With a network of 30,000 management professionals from academia, business, public service, and consultancies, EFMD plays a central role in shaping the global approach to management education and provides a unique forum for information, research, networking, and debate on innovation and best practice.

EFMD is a network for schools and companies that aim to develop socially responsible leaders and managers looking for opportunities to connect. Alongside our emphasis on educational standards for management education, we firmly believe in bringing companies and academic institutions together and work towards facilitating and strengthening exchanges between the two.

ESAMI Business School
ESAMI Business School
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The Eastern and Southern African Management Institute (ESAMI) is a Pan African Regional Management Development Centre owned by ten member governments from the Eastern and Southern African region. These are Kenya, Malawi, Mozambique, Namibia, Seychelles, Swaziland, Tanzania, Uganda, Zambia, and Zimbabwe. It is a service and market-oriented institution offering high level specialised management training, consultancy, education programmes and action- oriented management research services. Other countries which regularly participate in ESAMI management development programmes include Lesotho, Botswana, South Africa, Angola, Rwanda, Sierra Leone, Nigeria, Eritrea, Ivory Coast, Liberia, Ghana, The Gambia, Sudan, Ethiopia and Burkina Faso.

In May, 1997 the UN Economic Commission for Africa officially designated ESAMI as The African Centre of Excellence in Management Development. This recognition has necessitated ESAMI to extend its services to all countries in Africa. To meet Africa’s management challenge in the new millennium ESAMI continues to provide high quality, client-centred management development interventions throughout Africa.

ESCA School of Management
ESCA School of Management
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School recognized by the State, ESCA School of Management is a institution of higher education of reference in the field of management and management in North Africa and in the Mediterranean region. It was founded in 1992 and has more than 3800 graduates and trains each year 1100 students, managers and leaders in its curriculum and through its continuing education department. It aims to train a new generation of high-potential executives in Morocco and Africa, carrying values ​​of modernization, ambition, innovation and a sense of commitment.

ESCA School of Management has made the international a strategic axis of its development, and has a network of 95 prestigious international partners in the world. The school is home to thirty different nationalities, and welcomes students and international participants each year as part of study semesters and Study Trips. ESCA School of Management is ranked First Business School in Morocco and French-speaking Africa by Eduniversal and Jeune Afrique, and this for several years. These rankings are a recognition of the quality of research, faculty, programs, corporate partners and the international dimension of the school.

ESLSCA University
ESLSCA University
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ESLSCA University’s programs are accredited from the French Higher Ministry of education. It is the first European University to be granted national accreditation and equivalency from the Egyptian Supreme Council of Universities. ESLSCA University has achieved two palmes of excellence in the Eduniversal Business Schools ranking. Most recently ESLSCA University was granted accreditation by the Egyptian Ministry of higher education for the School of Computing and Digital Tech.

ESSEC Africa
ESSEC Africa
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ESSEC Business School expanded to the African market, establishing ESSEC Africa, which inaugurated its ESSEC Africa campus in Rabat, Morocco on April 21st, 1997.

Fifteen local employees are based on this campus, under the leadership of the Deputy Dean of ESSEC Africa. During the 2020‐2021 academic year, ESSEC Africa welcomed 224 students to its Global BBA and Master in Management (Grande École) programs, 20 more than in 2019‐2020, demonstrating a steady growth in enrolment since its inauguration.

ESSEC Africa currently welcomes students from the Global BBA and the Master in Management through different formats: specialized “Entrepreneurship in Africa” and “Global Manager in Africa” tracks, and inter-campus mobility tracks.

The Global BBA program has been accredited by the Moroccan Ministry of Higher Education.

ESSEC Africa has also established a strong local network. In addition to partnerships with Centrale’s Casablanca campus, the school has developed ties with:

– The Moroccan National Institute of Statistics and Applied Economics for the implementation of pre‐experience programs and continuing education on the themes of Artificial Intelligence and Management.

– The United Nations High Commission for Refugees (UNHCR) to raise awareness on issues related to migration including welcoming refugees.

– A number of other local and international organisations : UNFM (Union de Femmes du Maroc), GIZ, Institut Confucius, Ecole Mohammedia d’Ingénieurs…

ESSEC Africa has also developed its executive education offering through custom made programs for managers and senior executives, and a catalogue of open enrolment certifying modules.

ETS Global B.V.
ETS Global B.V.
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ETS is a non-profit organisation where teams are passionate about their mission to advance quality and equity in education for all people worldwide because they believe in the power of learning. ETS teams strive to provide innovative and meaningful measurement solutions that improve teaching and learning, expand educational opportunities, and inform policy.

They bring expertise to educational and business communities around the world, including companies, language schools, academic institutions and public service organisations. ETS Global serves 80 countries across Europe, South America, Asia, the Middle East and Africa. They offer a range of ETS products, services and learning solutions, including English-language assessments, standardised tests, training and consulting.

Ecole des Sciences de la Gestion
Ecole des Sciences de la Gestion
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À l’ESG UQAM, on cultive la pensée critique, explore des idées alternatives pour développer des esprits uniques capables de transformer et d’adapter le cadre des affaires aux nouvelles réalités d’un monde en constante mutation.

Ancrée dans son milieu mais ouverte sur le monde, l’École marque son impact sur la société avec son enseignement pratique misant sur l’innovation, la cocréation et la démocratisation du savoir.

Audacieuse et engagée, l’École se démarque grâce à sa recherche avant-gardiste, centré sur l’humain pour trouver des solutions durables aux enjeux sociétaux présents et à venir.

Ecole supérieure de management de Kinshasa
Ecole supérieure de management de Kinshasa
Democratic Republic of Congo
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Our Business school trains students in management and issues bachelor’s degrees (LMD system). Three areas of studies are offered to students: business administration, banking and insurance, supply chain management and commercial management and distribution. Our mission is to provide in Kinshasa trainings at international standard levels and to meet the skills needed by Congolese companies. Our mission is also to increase the employability of young graduates by offering our students seven months of alternating internships during their three-year program. The majority of our teaching staff comes from the business world. In the short-term, we have the ambition to offer Masters and the DBA.

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Headquartered in Paris, Eduniversal is a global ranking and rating agency specializing in higher education. The company has established strong expertise in evaluating academic institutions and programs in France since 1994, and internationally since 2007.

Our mission is:

To provide the tools and expertise to enable individuals, regardless of nationality, income level or background, to be able to navigate the best global educational opportunities and to make the right personal choices, from selecting an academic institution to choosing a career.

To provide an in depth view on global academic expertise to all stakeholders of higher education with the goal of actively supporting international exchanges between schools, encouraging mobility for professors and students, and assisting HR professionals to identify specialized talent.

GCTU Business School
GCTU Business School
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Promotes Relevant Cutting-Edge Business Management, Leadership Development and an Enterprise Culture to Enhance the Delivery of Value to its Students and Stakeholders.

GIMPA Business School
GIMPA Business School
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The Ghana Institute of Management and Public Administration (GIMPA) was established in 1961 as a joint Ghana Government/United Nations (UN) special fund project. Originally named the Institute of Public Administration, it was set up as one of the key strategic institutions to develop the public administrative system, to provide civil servants with administrative and professional competence, and to plan and administer national, regional and local services.

In 1966, the joint sponsorship ended and the UN formally handed over the Institute to the Government of Ghana. In 1969, the Institute was then re-designated as the Ghana Institute of Management and Public Administration to reflect its expanded functions. For more than 50 years, GIMPA’s activities have been guided by five successive mandates, beginning with the first legislative instrument of 1961 to the current GIMPA Act, 2004 (Act 676).

Each mandate affirmed the status of the Institute as the national management development institute to provide for the study of public administration and management of Ghana. By its latest mandate, GIMPA now offers courses in its areas of competence leading to the award of certificates, diplomas and degrees up to the doctoral level. The areas of competence are defined to include training and education in leadership, management, public administration and technology. Today, GIMPA has transformed itself into the leading management development institute and is an independent public tertiary institution with financial and operational autonomy.

GIMPA’s mission is to maintain a Centre of Excellence for training in public and business administration, by continuously enhancing the capability of middle and top level executives in public and private sectors as well as non-governmental organisations (NGOs) both in Ghana and internationally, to manage their institutions and enterprises efficiently and effectively. The Institute is accredited by the National Accreditation Board.

In addition to the institutional accreditation, GIMPA’s academic programmes are also accredited by the National Accreditation Board. The Institute is made up of four schools, namely:

– Business School

– School of Public Service and Governance

– Faculty of Law

– School of Technology

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Accredited School

In a globalized world, where the old certainties are falling away, companies rely more than ever on men and women who are able to continuously adapt and develop the capabilities and resources required to better anticipate changes. The ISM Group is committed to training them.

ISM is a Group of Institutes that offers highly appreciated post-baccalaureate courses ranging from Bachelor Degrees to Masters and MBAs in the fields of Management, Law, Computer Science and Digital Engineering, and Political Science. This group of Institutes, spread across ten campuses in Senegal, mobilize nearly 10,000 learners every day. Today, around 20,000 ISM Group graduates are making a strong contribution to the dynamism of African economies. The ISM Group also has 06 high schools of excellence and some primary schools.

It is positioned as a multicultural melting pot where more than thirty nationalities live side by side in a beautiful fraternal spirit. The Bachelor and Master Degrees offered by the ISM Group are recognized both by the Corporate world and by national and pan-African accreditation bodies for the academic excellence of its programs.

The ISM Group pedagogical project aims to equip students with the managerial tools essential to move skillfully, but also with an entrepreneurial culture thanks to the numerous projects they undertake (from the business idea definition to incubation) during their studies.

Choosing today one of the ISM Group’s Institutes means above all planning for a career path that will allow students to develop their potential alongside thousands of other students, to adapt to the international environment and seize opportunities in Senegal, Africa and all over the world.

International rankings place the ISM Group at the forefront of Business Schools in francophone Africa.

Moreover, the various international agreements allow our students to benefit from good mobility.

Since 2017, Galileo Global Education, the leading private education group in Europe and the second worldwide decided to support the international development of the ISM Group. These represent so many new opportunities for our students!

Geneva Business School
Geneva Business School
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Their motto, Real Business, Responsible Leaders, guides everything they do, from the programs they offer to the people they work with. They are in the business of shaping leaders and launching careers through hands-on, personalized mentoring, and practical, modern education. They truly cannot wait to share with you all the knowledge and experience we have at hand and to enable you to be your best professional self.


A 21st-century Swiss education institution contributing to a sustainable society.


  • Ensuring student success along with academic excellence
  • Managing the institution efficiently in terms of organization and allocation of resources
  • Engaging with stakeholders through partnership, collaboration, company placements or membership activities
  • Contributing to the academic and business body of knowledge, through research collaboration, teaching and the public dissemination of findings
Global Business School Network
Global Business School Network
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The Global Business School Network (GBSN) launched in 2003 as a program of the International Finance Corporation (IFC) at the World Bank. The impetus: vast amounts of money, resources, and human potential go to waste due to poor management. It was not just money that emerging markets needed also but human capacity to effectively manage resources and productively lead teams; and there was too little attention to expanding and improving management education.

For 17 years, GBSN pursued its original purpose by leading and participating in a large number of international development projects designed to increase management education capacity. For example, GBSN aided in developing a “Certificate in Entrepreneurial Management” in Nigeria. And that became a model for the Goldman Sachs 10,000 Women program. GBSN worked on studies for business schools in Bangladesh and Pakistan. It was instrumental in establishing the Association of African Business Schools (AABS). Through these examples and many more like them, GBSN has made a big difference improving management and entrepreneurship throughout the developing world.

To do its pioneering development projects, GBSN established a solid network of business schools which still is dedicated to the original vision and mission. This network has grown to over 100 leading business schools in more than 50 countries. It is also becoming more diverse, connecting business schools to a wider set of powerful organizations, like businesses, NGOs, and governments, who share the original vision for the developing world to have the talent it needs to generate prosperity.

Today GBSN is an independent 501(c)3 organization based Washington, DC, and has member schools, participants, and partners on six continents. Its original success, has not only made GBSN a highly respected organization, it has also established the network as catalyst for generating prosperity globally, as well as in the developing world. And that is especially important at this critical time given of shifting age demographics, automation, climate change, widening inequality, and more.

Gordon Institute of Business Science
Gordon Institute of Business Science
South Africa
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At GIBS, you are assured of a business school experience that embraces technology and disruption, while, at all times, finding ways to humanise and connect to the new digital world of work.

As an entrepreneurial institution, with deep connections to the African continent, GIBS has changed dramatically since its founding in 2000. Established on the back of a significant endowment by businessman and philanthropist Sir Donald Gordon, the University of Pretoria’s business school has evolved from being a business school for business, under founding Dean Professor Nick Binedell, into a world-class African institution and research centre, under former Dean Professor Nicola Kleyn.

Long regarded as a business school with impeccable international credentials, GIBS under the leadership of Interim Dean Dr Morris Mthombeni is now leading the way among its global peers thanks to a progressive focus on quality blended learning coupled with a commitment to meaningful experiential exposure.

Underpinning our approach is our commitment to life-long learning, a dedication to high-quality and innovative teaching methods, the pursuit of ethical and sustainable values, and a forward-looking view of business and its role in the world. Access to both local and international faculty ensures that your GIBS experience is globally relevant and opens doors to prized global networks.

In a world reshaping its outlook and thinking as a result of the 2020 coronavirus pandemic, a GIBS qualification gives you and your business the upper hand when it comes to co-creating strategy and ensuring corporate longevity and relevance.

In October 2019, the GIBS MBA was ranked among the top 100 globally in the prestigious London Financial Times Executive MBA Rankings. In 2021, the GIBS MBA was ranked as having the best reputation among employers and the first choice for students looking to pursue an MBA in the country by the Financial Mail Top MBA Ranking. Quacquarelli Symonds (QS) World University Rankings: Global Executive MBA 2021, ranked GIBS at number 52, placing the School’s MBA in the top 30% globally. In addition, in 2021, US-based CEO Magazine ranked GIBS 12th in its Global MBA Rankings highlighting the School as a Tier 1 business school.

The GIBS Executive Education offering was ranked in the global top 50 and – for the 17th consecutive year – as the top South African and African business school by the prestigious Financial Times in 2020.

Groupe IAM
Groupe IAM
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Created in 1996, the IAM GROUP, aware of the current geostrategic challenges, has for mission to stimulate the advent of a new generation of Global leaders backed by Africanity. Its ambition to comply with international standards has as its key word: academic excellence, innovation, entrepreneurship and international openness. Through these values, the IAM Group aims to be by 2025 the best Business School in West Africa with leaders prepared for the governance of new economies: digital and green.

The African Institute of Management is one of the best business schools in French-speaking Africa, a leader in research and teaching in management sciences. We offer a range of programs adapted to the requirements of students and professionals recruited from among the best talents of today.

Groupe ISCAE
Groupe ISCAE
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Our Missions

Higher education in management
Continuing education
Scientific research
Creation of management expertise
Promotion of cultural activities
Development of initiative spirit

HEM Business School
HEM Business School
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Accredited School

HEM, Hautes Etudes de Management, (French for Institute for Advanced Studies in Management), was founded in 1988, when Morocco was under the rule of the late King Hassan II. Private initiative was not always welcome and the sector of private higher education was in its infancy.

A man, Abdelali Benamour, married and father of 3 children, economist, university professor, first director of the ISCAE (flagship public business school in Morocco) and former MP, decides to embark on the adventure at the age of 46, with a few pennies in his pocket. His dream was to found a school of higher education in management of excellence and train graduates who will participate in the building of tomorrow’s Morocco, graduates who are open-minded, socially responsible managers and change leaders.

Banque Centrale Populaire (first Moroccan public bank) believed in the project and thus invested in it. HEM was born and based its first, brand new campus in a Casablanca neighborhood called “Polo”. An oral and written entrance examination was established straightaway. In the first year, HEM received a hundred candidates. Sixty were retained. An entrance examination in a private school in Morocco? Unprecedented! The son of a Minister or notable that fails the admission test or is late for registration? Denied! At the time, even more unusual… a student fails more than half of the subject matters of the year? Expelled permanently! Still unprecedented… the school was under warning for years. Abdelali Benamour and his team were still clinging to the idea. Quality, values and sense of ethics come first.

As a pioneer, HEM has developed its own model. To be successful as a private school of Higher Education in Morocco, without any help or funding from the state, where the better-off students choose to study abroad, where the class of citizens able to pay higher education fees is small, while the public system is completely free, everything is a question of balance:

– As regards student recruitment, balancing educational and financial logic meant putting in place an entrance exam, not too hard though; otherwise, students would be fewer in number … not too easy either; otherwise, the level and quality of graduates would suffer;

– As regards educational programs, balancing managerial skills, personal development and general knowledge of the learner was in order. Museums, libraries, discussion areas being rare in Moroccan streets, we had to re-create such a microcosm within the school walls;

– As regards infrastructure, balancing investment size and number of expected students was paramount. The built campuses must be adapted to HEM’s educational model, big enough but not too much; enrollment in private higher education in Morocco is unfortunately not by tens of thousands.

Harold Pupkewitz Graduate School of Business
Harold Pupkewitz Graduate School of Business
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The Harold Pupkewitz Graduate School of Business (HP-GSB) seeks to maximise the institution’s contribution to social, intellectual and economic development of Namibia and SADC. Thus the vision of the HP-GSB is: Being an innovative Business School Competitive with Africa’s Best and Educating Leaders for Namibia’s Business Advancement.

Henley Business School Africa
Henley Business School Africa
South Africa
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Accredited School

Unlike many other business schools that offer a linear experience that force-feeds theory to students, Henley Business School offers a holistic learning system.

By blending theory with practice, our holistic learning system means you can look forward to a business education that provides you with insightful business acumen, the ability to both master yourself and lead and manage others, and exceptionally relevant and practical theory that is tried and trusted in practice in your own workplace.

Henley Business School, UK
Henley Business School, UK
United Kingdom
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Many other institutions offer business education, so what makes Henley different? The answer is, we are about much more than just education. We offer the opportunity to live, breathe, practice and create business.

Henley participants don’t just learn a list of facts and theories. They develop and apply their learning to real-life situations, examining issues around ethics and sustainability and building an understanding of the wider global impact of business on society. This creates future leaders with strong business acumen, who are responsible and have a wider perspective.

Henley Business School is a triple-accredited business school and part of the University of Reading. With campuses, offices and partnerships around the world, over 7,000 students from more than 100 countries and over 80,000 alumni from 160 countries, we are a truly international institution. Our courses are enriched by up to date knowledge, research and commercial experience, and aimed at students and professionals at every stage of their career – from undergraduate through to postgraduate, PhD, MBA, DBA and executive education.

ISCTE Business Schoolo
ISCTE Business Schoolo
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A Iscte Business School tem a sua origem no anterior departamento de ciências de gestão, criado em 1972. A escola é reconhecida pela excelência na aprendizagem, excelência na investigação, ambiente internacional e multicultural, ligação sólida ao meio empresarial, colocação excecional de graduados, liderança no empreendedorismo e inovação.

A Iscte Business School conta com cerca de 181 docentes distribuídos por 6 Departamentos – Contabilidade, Economia, Finanças, Marketing, Operações e Gestão Geral, Métodos Quantitativos para Gestão e Economia, e Recursos Humanos e Comportamento Organizacional.

Encontram-se inscritos na Escola mais de 3.500 alunos em 7 licenciaturas, 15 mestrados e 4 doutoramentos.

A Iscte Business School é uma das quatro escolas que integra a universidade Iscte, a par da Escola de Sociologia e Políticas Públicas, da Escola de Ciências Sociais e Humanas e da Escola de Tecnologias e Arquitetura.

ISCTEM (Instituto Superior de Ciências e Tecnologia de Moçambique) | School of Economics and Business Management
ISCTEM (Instituto Superior de Ciências e Tecnologia de Moçambique) | School of Economics and Business Management
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The School of Economics and Business Management at ISCTEM (Instituto Superior de Ciências e Tecnologia de Moçambique) is dedicated to fostering innovation and excellence in business education. Through its diverse programs in Business Management, Financial and Insurance Management, Marketing Management, and Human Resources Management, the school equips students with the knowledge and practical skills necessary to navigate the complexities of the global economy.

With a strong emphasis on entrepreneurial thinking, strategic decision-making, and industry relevance, ISCTEM prepares future business leaders to drive economic growth and contribute to sustainable development in Mozambique and beyond. The school maintains strong ties with the private sector, ensuring that its curriculum aligns with market needs and emerging business trends.

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Avec plus de 17 années d'expériences, ISPRIC c'est aussi le carrefour de l'intelligentsia africaine avec la présence des étudiants ivoiriens, sénégalais, nigériens, tchadiens, burkinabés, gabonnais, camerounnais,.. ISPRIC, L’univers des experts, s'est fixé comme mission d’œuvrer pour une dynamique d’excellence en formant des élites porteuses de solutions et d’innovations au bénéfice de nos organisations publiques et privées.

Institut Superieur de Management et de l'Entrepreneuriat
Institut Superieur de Management et de l'Entrepreneuriat
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L’Institut supérieur de Management et de l’Entrepreneuriat  connu sous le sigle  IME s’associe à une initiative rassemblant des universités du continent africain, sous le nom d’un nouveau réseau intitulé RAMSESS. Cet acronyme correspond en réalité à : Réseau Africain pour la Mobilité Scientifique des Etudiants Sud-Sud. Ce réseau est une union prestigieuse et sélective de membres composée d’universités et écoles supérieures africaines. Cette initiative encourage le renforcement de liens et reconnaissances mutuelles entre l’Afrique du nord et l’Afrique Subsaharienne, dans le cadre de l’enseignement supérieur et la recherche scientifique en Afrique ; mais aussi à la mobilité étudiante, comme enseignante et administrative.

International University of Management
International University of Management
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The Institution was founded by Dr David Richard Namwandi, first as a non-degree awarding body. On 26 October 2002, it obtained University status when it was officially launched by the then state president of the Republic of Namibia, His Excellency Dr Sam Nujoma. The university is fully accredited by the Namibia Qualifications Authority and the National Council for Higher Education(NCHE).

The International University of Management (IUM) has its roots in the Institute of Higher Education which was founded in 1994 and is a sole Namibian initiative that started with one student and has now grown into an institution whose student population is currently more than 9,000.

The intellectual and vocational bases of the university are firmly rooted in Management and ICT. Since its inception, the university has gained recognition as a centre of excellence for the teaching of Management Science and ICT disciplines at all levels.

While these disciplines remain the university’s anchor, plans are afoot to diversify its offerings at both undergraduate and postgraduate levels in the not too distant future in order to address different economic needs of management in Namibia. In addition, the university has carried out numerous consultancies on behalf of both the private and public sectors in Namibia. IUM was officially launched as the first private university in Namibia on 26 April 2002 and its Hi-Tech campus at Dorado Park in Windhoek was inaugurated on 26 April 2011.

The purpose of the university is to educate and train young managers of the future; the young managers who will go out into the world and help to generate work and wealth in those sectors of society where there is most need, demand or opportunity.

James Hope University Business School
James Hope University Business School
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James Hope University, located in Lekki, Lagos, is committed to the highest standards of international education. We aspire to integrate global models of academic excellence to advance the knowledge economy, further innovations and breakthroughs, and rapidly propel the economic and sociocultural lives of humanity. Through strategic partnerships with leading global academic institutions and crucial enablers, JHU is launching its School of Business, one distinguished by academic excellence and cutting-edge formation of future professionals. Funding of JHU is robust. The University is being built by Mr. Jim Ovia, Founder of Zenith Bank, through his nonprofit foundation. The university will pilot its MBA programs in January 2024.


The mission of James Hope University is to educate and inspire men and women to excel in every aspect of life, and to exert lasting positive impacts on the world.


James Hope University aspires to endow generations of graduates with top-notch transformative education, to enable innovations and discoveries, propel the knowledge economy, and shape a better world.

Johannesburg Business School (JBS)
Johannesburg Business School (JBS)
South Africa
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Opening a digital world of opportunities

The Johannesburg Business School (JBS) has embraced the Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR) and repositioned all its course offerings to equip current and future leaders to deal with the digital transformation resonating throughout the world. The digital revolution encompasses shifts in mindsets and paradigms, and change management will be imperative.

JBS has established itself as a digital business school situated within a globally competitive university ready to address these challenges. We offer a middle management programme (MAP), one-year Post-Graduate Diploma (PGDip) in Business Administration, Master of Business Administration (MBA) and doctoral degree in digital transformation. In designing our innovative curriculum – in collaboration with our international partners – we have harnessed the uniqueness of Africa’s leadership, indigenous knowledge, and ingenuity of its people.

JBS. The Business of Reimagining Your Future.

KNUST Business School
KNUST Business School
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The Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology (KNUST) School of Business (KSB) develops ethical, entrepreneurial leaders through excellence in teaching, research, and service. KSB has a long-standing history of educating business leaders in Ghana and offers undergraduate, graduate, and doctoral programs across business disciplines. Students gain theoretical and practical skills and real-world experience and join an influential alumni network. KSB fosters a diverse, engaging environment where students become changemakers. Distinguished faculty provide academic rigor, industry expertise, and innovation. KSB welcomes prospective students to learn more about unleashing their potential as responsible leaders.

Kibur College
Kibur College
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KIBUR college is an institution of higher education currently awarding academic degrees in five disciplines. Envisioning private tertiary education in Ethiopia to rise back to its intended dignity and  standard, the college focuses on quality and employability of graduates at its fullest capacity.

Lagos Business School
Lagos Business School
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Lagos Business School (LBS) is the graduate business school of Pan-Atlantic University, owned by the Pan-Atlantic University Foundation (PAUF), a non-profit foundation registered in Nigeria. LBS was founded on inspirations from the teachings of St Josemaria Escrivá, the founder of Opus Dei. LBS offers academic programmes, executive programmes and short courses (customised to specific company needs, as well as open-enrolment courses) in management. Its offerings have been accredited globally and ranked among the best in Africa, as it systematically strives to improve the practice of management on the continent. The business school’s efforts have been recognised by several world-class accreditations and rankings.  Besides the quality bar set at world-standards, LBS programmes also stand out because of the emphasis on professional ethics and service to the community.

Education at LBS is comprehensive, drawing on the experiences of a multinational faculty and participants. Learning is participant-centred and uses the case study method. Activities hold on the school’s purpose-built facilities which serve more than 3,000 participants yearly from indigenous and multinational companies. These attest to the expert teaching, the relevance of the programmes and the overall benefits derived from attending.

LBS has a robust alumni association with more than 6,000 members. This asset base, as well as the close relationship with the corporate world, ensures that the programmes offered, as well as having international standards, also has local relevance.

Learning at LBS is based on a Christian conception of the dignity of man, of society and economic activity. The Prelature of Opus Dei, an institution of the Catholic Church, takes responsibility for guaranteeing that this vision underlies all teaching, publishing and research activities of the School.

LBS is a member of the Association of African Business Schools (AABS), the Global Business School Network (GBSN), the Principles for Responsible Management Education (PRME), AACSB International-The Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business and the Graduate Management Admission Council (GMAC), alongside 220 leading graduate business schools worldwide. GMAC is an organisation of leading graduate management schools in the world and the owner of the GMAT exam.

In recognition of the quality of Lagos Business School’s programmes and of being structured in line with global best practices, it has received several international accreditations. LBS is the first business school in West, East and Central Africa regions to be accredited by The Association of MBAs (AMBA). This puts LBS amongst the exclusive group of only 2% of business schools in 70 countries to achieve this accreditation. The Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB) has also accredited LBS, the first institution to be so recognised in all of West Africa. LBS thus joined the league of less than 5% of business schools globally, to be accredited by AACSB in December 2016. This accreditation affirms Lagos Business School’s undeniable commitment, over the last 29 years, to world-class standards in teaching, learning, research, academic and professional management.

LBS has been ranked every year, since 2007 by the Financial Times of London, among the top global providers of open enrolment executive education and in custom executive education since 2015. The latter ranked number one in Africa on the 2020 Financial Times list. LBS’ MBA programmes have held Tier One positions on CEO Magazine’s Global MBA rankings for three consecutive years. The School is listed among the top 50 global business schools on The Economist magazine’s 2018 Executive MBA ranking.

MCI | The Entrepreneurial University®
MCI | The Entrepreneurial University®
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MCI follows the concept of an Entrepreneurial School®. MCI empowers motivated people to achieve outstanding performance, provides profound academic competence and creates innovative know how transfer within a strong international network.

Quality teaching

High quality teaching secures our position among the leading academic institutions in the German speaking world

Intellectual contribution, transfer of know-how & start-ups

Our intellectual contribution is applied, business-relevant and solution-oriented. The transfer of know-how strengthens the location and the competitiveness of companies.

International orientation

Our strong international orientation generates know-how, prestige and added value for our customers

Customer and service orientation

Our customer and service orientation is exemplary

People and culture

Our corporate culture thrives on mutual trust, diversity, commitment of our employees, entrepreneurial spirit and responsibility towards society

Responsibility and Sustainability

We are committed to the responsible use of resources. Our activities contribute to a socially, ecologically and economically sustainable future.


MCI’s brand is internationally renowned and stands for performance, professionality, knowledge and competence


Our international network creates a competitive edge and added value for our stakeholders


Ongoing innovation forms the basis of our market position and ensures our competitiveness


Our excellent infrastructure creates an attractive and stimulating environment

MDI Business School
MDI Business School
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Created in 1996, MDI-Algiers Business School is the first private institution for higher management training in Algeria. Recognized by the state, MDI-Algiers Business School has obtained its accreditation from the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research. MDI-Algiers Business School educational culture, its international outlook, its close proximity to the business world and its faculty are all assets in preparing students to become the managers and entrepreneurs of tomorrow.

MDI-Algiers Business School itself the task of preparing its students to become business leaders capable of assuming the responsibilities of leaders and managers, by applying pragmatic and holistic approaches, and by s 'adapting to a constantly changing environment.

South Africa
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MANCOSA has extensive experience in working with a wide range of students over the past 25 years in delivering high quality management and education programmes offered locally and internationally. The Master of Business Administration (MBA) programme has been offered since 1995.

Between 1995 and 2000 MANCOSA provided management programmes in association with the Buckinghamshire Chilterns University College (BCUC), a College of the University of Brunel in the United Kingdom. During this 5-year period, MANCOSA successfully delivered tuition support to over 860 students enrolled on the Buckinghamshire Chilterns University College management programmes. At that time, MANCOSA was successfully quality assured by the Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education of the United Kingdom (QAA).

MANCOSA’s partnership with BCUC in offering management programmes and the MBA provided an international perspective to students in the Southern African region, whilst maintaining a strong local and regional focus. From the year 2000, MANCOSA discontinued offering BCUC qualifications and started to award its own qualifications which were registered and accredited in South Africa.

Midlands State University Graduate School of Business Leadership
Midlands State University Graduate School of Business Leadership
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Midlands State University Graduate School of Business Leadership is Zimbabwe’s Premier accredited graduate school offering development-oriented programmes that create life-changing opportunities for our students and the nation.


Our Vision is to be a Unique Development Oriented, Pacesetting and stakeholder-driven Graduate School that produces Innovative, Enterprising, Internationally acclaimed Graduates that Empower the Nation and Create wealth.

Milpark Business School
Milpark Business School
South Africa
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Milpark Business School delivers an education that empowers and equips current and future leaders to pursue ethical and sustainable business practices informed by the SDG’s (Sustainable Development Goals), in an evolving local, Continental and global milieu.

Montpellier Business School
Montpellier Business School
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As a Grande Ecole of Management founded in 1897 by the Montpellier Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Montpellier Business School is built on two major foundations: academic excellence and an unwavering commitment to the core values of ethics, openness, diversity, responsibility and global performance. Today more than ever, Montpellier Business School stands out for its strong convictions: we believe that diversity in all its forms is a richness and a strength for society as well as for businesses. We are strongly convinced that the sustainable success of any company depends on its economic, social and environmental performance. We believe in an inclusive world where all talents can express their full potential regardless of social, cultural or geographical background, gender or sexual orientation. We believe that being part of this diverse community is a source of strength for each of its members. This is why Montpellier Business School brings together students from all social classes and from nearly 80 countries. We believe that the greatest challenge for companies will be the sustainable, socially responsible and eco-responsible transformation of their strategy. This is why CSR and sustainable development issues are at the heart of our research activities and are covered in all of our programmes. This unique approach focuses on training managers and entrepreneurs with the ability to steer the financial, social, societal and environmental performance of their company. When you choose Montpellier Business School, you decide to become a socially responsible manager in a fast-changing world. Bruno Ducasse Dean of Montpellier Business School.

Mount Kenya University School of Business and Economics
Mount Kenya University School of Business and Economics
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The School of Business and Economics started as the Department of Accounting in the year 2000 with 40 students and offered Certificate and Diploma courses in accounting, Business management, secretarial studies, sales and marketing and information technology. These were professional courses that lasted 3-6 months and were not sustainable. This led the department to develop and mount long term courses which included a diploma in Business Administration and Diploma in Banking and Finance amongst others.

Then the students performed exemplary in the national and international examinations which in turn translated to attracting many students. In the year 2004, Thika Institute of Technology, formally Thika School of management studies, which housed the department of Accounting entered into collaboration with Jomo Kenyatta University of Technology to offer degree programs. And this bore the Bachelor of Commerce Course.

NUST Graduate School of Business
NUST Graduate School of Business
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GSB is guided by the NUST Mission shown below:

To lead in human capital development for industrial and socio-economic transformation, with a bias towards science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) based solutions.

Namibia Business School
Namibia Business School
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The Namibia Business School (NBS) was established in response to the needs of the Namibian market. In 1999, the Founding Vice-Chancellor of the University of Namibia, Prof. Peter Katjavivi, assisted by the former head of the Economics Department, Prof. Mohammed El Toukhy, joined forces with the FNB Foundation and entered into a collaboration agreement with the Maastricht School of Management in the Netherlands to offer an Executive MBA Programme at UNAM. Since the inception of the programme in 2000, more than 175 students have graduated with diplomas and Master’s Degrees in Business Administration (MBA). FNB Foundation, under the leadership of the late Lazarus Ipangelwa, had the vision and commitment to support the programme financially. This commitment from NBS has continued up to this day and has translated into FNB being one of the Founders of NBS.

A number of individuals played a crucial role in overseeing the UNAM/MsM MBA Programme and nurturing the idea of establishing a full-fledged business school. Their tireless efforts made the establishment of NBS bear fruit. These individuals are Prof. Peter H Katjavivi, Prof. M M El Toukhy, Mr D R Norval, Mr A Aochamub and Ms Y M Yon.

Nelson Mandela University Business School
Nelson Mandela University Business School
South Africa
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Nelson Mandela University Business School offers formal graduate programmes, customised learning & in-house training, executive education, and research and business consultation services.

Nelson Mandela University Business School was founded in 2005 as the youngest business school in Southern Africa. Our international head office and main campus is situated in Port Elizabeth, Eastern Cape, South Africa.

Our Business School is a business school of choice, alive to its context, and a thought leader in management and leadership development for tomorrow.

North-West University Business School
North-West University Business School
South Africa
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Accredited School

At the NWU Business School we shape executive minds in Africa. We want our students to become manager-leaders in their own right and to walk away with real-world skills from an international accredited institution.

As an autonomous school, we offer programmes that are relevant to our students and industry executives. We provide opportunities to expand, explore and evolve in the world of business and entrepreneurship.

The formal programmes include a Masters in Business Administration (MBA), the Post Graduate Diploma in Management (PGDIP) and the PhD qualification, whilst the list of short courses for executives are in great demand.

PRME Anti-Poverty Working Group
PRME Anti-Poverty Working Group
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The vision of the PRME Working Group on Poverty as a Challenge to Management Education is to be advocates for the integration of poverty-related discussions into all levels of management education worldwide. Our vision is grounded in our beliefs that:

  • Poverty is a legitimate topic for discussion and research in schools of business and management
  • Business should be a catalyst for innovative, profitable and responsible approaches to poverty reduction
  • Multiple stakeholder engagement is needed for innovative curriculum development
Peregrine Global Services
Peregrine Global Services
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Peregrine Global Services started as a dream to change the world. It began with the discovery that organizations of all kinds were in need of quality leadership training. In response, two friends came together and leveraged their leadership experience to form the Peregrine Leadership Institute.

The Peregrine team rapidly grew, gained a global reach, and soon made another discovery. Higher education needed flexible tools for quality assurance and accreditation activities. It was that discovery that led to the creation of Peregrine Academic Services.

For nearly 20 years, the Peregrine team has developed and provided high-quality, comprehensive solutions for higher education, industry, and individuals. The companies created to address challenges and impact the world have merged into one organization, Peregrine Global Services.

Every day, the Peregrine team provides solutions, whether it be higher education services, leadership and professional development, academic and leadership publications, or the Peregrine Global Foundation’s social impact.

Regenesys Management
Regenesys Management
South Africa
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Regenesys Business School was founded in South Africa in 1998 by directors Dr. Marko Saravanja, Dr. Penny Law, and Mr. William Vivian. Today, Regenesys has campuses in India and Nigeria, resulting in a formidable network of international business schools which provide world-class, quality education.

The Business School boasts a faculty of 100 highly skilled, expert educators and facilitators. We have different schools offering a variety of undergraduate and postgraduate programmes: The Schools of Business Management, Public Management, Accounting Science, Science and Technology, and Education. In addition, Regenesys offers corporate education and a selection of skills courses. Digital Regenesys is our dedicated digital education platform.

Regenesys is passionate about higher education and empowering individuals. To date, we have empowered more than 200,000 students and graduates from 190 countries. Our purpose is to make our world a better place by developing conscious leaders and managers. We seek to awaken your potential so that you may become a graduate capable of achieving your dreams and aspirations. We believe every human being has a unique talent and an inner power; however, their potential is often blocked by fears and beliefs of a self-limiting nature.

We help our students break their fears and achieve greatness by awakening this potential through the unique programmes offered by our different schools.

Rennes School of Business
Rennes School of Business
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Through its “Unframed Thinking” positioning, its market-driven, differentiated educational programmes, and its emphasis on pedagogical innovation, Rennes School of Business seeks to

prepare its students and participants to become innovative and responsible managers in a global environment. These managers are trained to become responsible pioneers, shaped and sharpened by multicultural contexts, through a life-long and multicultural human experience.

Rhodes Business School
Rhodes Business School
South Africa
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Welcome to the South African business school that takes sustainability issues seriously. Thank you for visiting our website. We trust that you will find interest in what we do in the business education arena, as well as in how we do it.

Sustainability embodies two main ideas. Firstly there is the idea of “business continuity” and organizational longevity, and secondly, there is the idea of “sustainable development”. Both ideas are tied up with the concern of “meeting the needs of the present generation without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their needs” as described in the Brundtland Commission report of 1987.

Our essence is “Leadership for Sustainability”. Our vision is to “Transform business for a sustainable world” and our mission is to “Educate and influence responsible business practice, responsibly”. We believe that business has the greatest potential to change the world for the well-being of current and future generations.

Richfield Graduate Institute of Technology
Richfield Graduate Institute of Technology
South Africa
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Richfield Graduate Institute of Technology commenced operations in 1990 in Tongaat as a Computer Training Centre. It established branches in various provinces and today has a national footprint.

Rome Business School
Rome Business School
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Rome Business School Nigeria, a satellite campus of the Rome Business School based in Rome, Italy is a managerial training and research institute of excellence situated in Ikeja, Lagos.

The Rome Business School Nigeria’s aim is to play a role in closing the gap between the classroom and the job market by providing managerial training courses suited to convey the knowledge necessary to kick-off or develop professional careers or business activities.

Our mission is to train entrepreneurs, managers and professionals to a level of excellence in their competence and their ethical approach to business and work, able to play a part in the development of an economic humanity and of a society more prosperous, fair and respectful of the central role of the individual.

SUP Management, Mali
SUP Management, Mali
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Un projet pédagogique bâti sur l’excellence académique et l’intégration progressive au monde professionnel.

Les différents pôles de formation du groupe relèvent d’un projet pédagogique bâti sur une démarche d’ingénierie pédagogique intégrant à la fois les objectifs de formation, les besoins de l’entreprise, ainsi que le profil de base de l’étudiant.

Socioeconomic Institute for Advancement Solutions
Socioeconomic Institute for Advancement Solutions
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The world is changing, and one of the main changes is relevant to the disturbance of the socioeconomic development efforts that were built in the last century. This instability became very clear as we entered a new era called the new normal with the evolution of the COVID-19 pandemic. In this time of great transition, we believe we have a role in speeding up the development of concepts that are focused on socioeconomic solutions regardless of the world condition.

Therefore, based on an accumulative experience of solving socioeconomic problems in more 38 countries since 2015, the International Inspiration Economy Projects (IIEP), a project that established institutions, societies NGOs, peer-reviewed journals, and lately accredited academic programs focused on socioeconomic development that enhance the human centred solutions initiated a new project towards a postgraduate (MSc and PhD) Higher Learning Institute called ‘Socioeconomic institute for advancement solutions’ (SIAS) in Rwanda, in collaboration with leading experts from all the world who are experts and advocates of raising the capacity of the coming generations in relevance to socioeconomic development.

Stellenbosch Business School
Stellenbosch Business School
South Africa
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As the first Business School in Africa to have received the internationally-recognised Triple Crown Accreditation, our high learning standards are of global repute

Stephen M. Ross School of Business
Stephen M. Ross School of Business
United States
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Michigan Ross is committed to building a better world through business. Through powerful ideas, purpose-driven leaders, and positive impact, they empower business leaders to make a positive difference in the world.


Core values serve as guiding principles for how they lead. They represent commitment to excellence and bringing their best selves to everything they do.

Connect & Collaborate

We are collaborative, and work together to achieve more.

Learn & Grow

We embrace a growth mindset and continuous improvement.

Do Great Things

We strive for excellence and impact.

Be An Owner

We trust and empower our people to take ownership.

Be Inclusive

We ensure that every member of our community has an opportunity to thrive.


Their mission requires a bold strategy. They unlock the potential of business by developing powerful ideas, purpose-driven leaders, and a community dedicated to making a positive impact.

Strathmore Business School
Strathmore Business School
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Strathmore was started in 1961 as an A-Level College by a group of professionals, who were inspired and encouraged by Saint Josémaria Escrivá, founder of Opus Dei. In 1966 the School of Accountancy opened to train accountants for Kenya, Uganda and Tanzania and in 1991 the university introduced Information Technology Courses. Over the years Strathmore University with a student population of over 5000, has become one of the most respected private universities in the region.

A Unique Concept

Think for a moment about our beautiful continent—diverse in people, rich in culture and natural resources and well known for its hospitality. SBS captures these themes in one business concept: Developing Great Business Leaders.This is in perfect harmony with the founding principle of Strathmore University: that of leading society to greater development through service to all people without discrimination.

International Character and Participation

Our key partner, IESE, has for many years been affiliated to Harvard University and linked to top universities the world over. Certificates will incorporate both the Strathmore and IESE crests. Our research,business industry partnerships and very top international education partners help us to realise our vision. SBS provides its participants with a world-class learning environment, where they can share and reflect on their experiences and develop new ideas that will lead their companies into a new era. Our Advisory Board is composed of top Professors, CEOs and entrepreneurs. It reflects our international partnership with top business schools in Europe, Africa and USA. The synergy of local and international business participation will build a strong and firm basis for the growth of your business.

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Being a key actor in accelerating systemic and transformational change

A world where everyone understands sustainability, develops a mindset of sustainability, and becomes deeply committed to building a sustainable future via an accelerating planetary movement.

Our mission

Enabling sustainability in organizational practiceand outcomes

To equip organizations with tools and data that enables them to better design, deliver, and demonstrate the positive impact of their actions to improve the sustainability literacy of their stakeholders.

The Alliance of Management Development Associations in Emerging Economies
The Alliance of Management Development Associations in Emerging Economies
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In 1997 Star Alliance, one of the world’s largest global airline alliances was formed with the intent of offering customers travel benefits that no single airline, could offer on its own. What if, like airlines, regional business school associations in rising economies could find a way to co-operate to benefit their member schools? What if we could create a network of associations, schools, deans, faculty members and students in rising economies that augments the offerings of regional associations and their member schools, and accelerates the growth of relevant and excellent management education in the global markets that need it most?

What we’re not talking about is the formation of a closed group of leaders of business school associations. We’re not envisioning a union or a takeover. We are not trying to “help” in regions that want to self-determine. We don’t want to prescribe what member associations or schools should do.

What we do believe is that in a world of rising polarity, we need to take active steps to build and deepen connections across our regions. To share our learnings. To collaborate to create thought leadership. To lift as we rise.

We created a network of associations, schools, deans, faculty members and students in rising economies that augments the offerings of regional associations and their member schools, and accelerates the growth of relevant and excellent management education in the global markets that need it most.

The American University in Cairo
The American University in Cairo
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About AUC

Founded in 1919, The American University in Cairo is a leading English-language, U.S.-accredited institution of higher education. A crossroads for the world’s cultures and a vibrant forum for reasoned argument and spirited debate, AUC is the center of the intellectual, social and cultural life of the Arab world. Its diverse community of students, faculty, alumni, trustees and generous supporters represents more than 60 countries.

The University offers 40 undergraduate, 52 master’s and two PhD programs rooted in a liberal arts education that encourages students to think critically and find creative solutions to the challenges facing our region and the world. It also offers globally recognized professional, competency-based education in English to meet the needs of the dynamic Egyptian and broader regional economies.

AUC has the largest English-language academic library collection in Egypt, three modern theaters and 13 cross-disciplinary research centers. The University’s modern, 260-acre New Cairo campus constitutes a visionary investment in the future of Cairo, Egypt and the region — a state-of-the-art facility for advanced research, innovative teaching, lifelong learning and civic engagement.

Chartered and accredited in the United States and Egypt, AUC is an independent, not-for-profit, equal-opportunity institution.


AUC is a premier English-language institution of higher learning. The University is committed to teaching and research of the highest caliber, and offers exceptional liberal arts and professional education in a cross-cultural environment. AUC builds a culture of leadership, lifelong learning, continuing education and service among its graduates, and is dedicated to making significant contributions to Egypt and the international community in diverse fields. Chartered and accredited in the United States and Egypt, The American University in Cairo is an independent, not-for-profit, equal-opportunity institution. AUC upholds the principles of academic freedom and is dedicated to excellence.


Our vision is to be a world‐class University internationally recognized for its leadership and excellence in teaching, research, creative expression and service. We build on our existing strengths to become the leading University in the Middle East and the destination of choice for students and faculty members from around the world seeking in‐depth cultural exposure, combined with outstanding academic programs, cutting‐edge research, as well as an ethically engaged, diverse community of scholars.



We continually strive to be among the best in all we do: in teaching, research, creative expression, service to our communities and service to each other in our daily interactions.


We seek to treat all individuals with dignity and fairness, and to promote understanding and respect for diversity of perspectives, traditions and experiences.

    Social Responsibility

We are committed to exploring the challenges that confront Egypt, the region and the world, and to using our intellectual and creative capabilities to address these challenges, serve our communities, and have a positive and sustainable impact on development, business, the environment and society.


We believe that individuals are accountable for their actions, and, as members of a community, our individual actions have an impact on others. We are stronger as a community when we reflect on the consequences of our decisions and actions. The University upholds the principles of academic integrity, including fairness, accountability and honesty.

    Lifelong Learning

We believe that the pursuit of knowledge, understanding, and personal and professional development should continue throughout one’s lifetime.

Strategic Pillars

  • Quality of Education
  • Internationalization
  • AUC Experience
  • Institutional Effectiveness
  • Innovation

The Association of MBAs (AMBA)
The Association of MBAs (AMBA)
United Kingdom
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Spearheading excellence and trailblazing innovation, for more than 50 years AMBA has been the impartial authority on postgraduate management education.

AMBA established that vision in 1967 and, in a volatile, uncertain world, it’s as relevant today as it was then.

We are committed to raising the profile and quality standards of business education internationally, for the benefit of Business Schools, MBA students and graduates and alumni, employers, communities and society.

The Business Ethics Network of Africa
The Business Ethics Network of Africa
South Africa
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BEN-Africa was formed in 1999. The founding conviction of BEN-Africa is that by bringing together Africans who share an interest in business ethics, business ethics will be expanded on the African continent. BEN-Africa continues to thrive and stimulate the discourse on business ethics.

The value proposition of BEN-Africa is the ability of BEN-Africa to connect people through formal and informal networks, facilitate dialogue through the provision of forums to share ideas and build ethical capacity, and a platform to publish contemporary research on business ethics in Africa.

BEN-Africa facilitates interaction between its members in various ways. These include our annual BEN-Africa Conference, seminars, partner events, and creating dialogue on business ethics. The Networking Council serves as a focal contact point in African nations and regions, and fosters discourse and interaction between individual and organisational members and partners. The BEN-Africa website and various other social media platforms are extensively used as facilitators of ethics conversations.

BEN-Africa is committed to disseminate information, knowledge and expertise on business ethics to its members, primarily through our open-access, electronically published journal, the African Journal of Business Ethics (AJOBE), available at http://ajobe.journals.ac.za. The journal is a South African Department of Higher Education accredited journal. From 2021 BEN-Africa also publishes conference proceedings from the annual BEN-Africa Conference.

The Da Vinci Institute Business School
The Da Vinci Institute Business School
South Africa
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Founded in 2004 at the behest of Nelson Mandela, their mission is to widen access to education and to empower future leaders to change the world through the teachings of Nelson Mandela and Leonardo Da Vinci. They believe that education is the most powerful weapon for effecting positive change in society.

Their focus is on the Management of Technology, Innovation, People and Systems Thinking (TIPS™), a unique proprietary framework that is embedded in all of their courses. This approach helps to enhance the performance of their students and their teams in developing economies and markets.

Whether you are starting your career, looking to reskill or upskill, DaVinci has a business degree that will suit your needs. Their flexible schedules allow you to study at your own pace, from anywhere and at any time. Their approach to learning goes beyond the traditional, ensuring that all students have a personal, social and economic return on investment (ROI) in their learning journey whilst using best practice models.

The Good Governance Academy
The Good Governance Academy
South Africa
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The Good Governance Academy is a non-profit organisation that collaborates globally to share information on critical governance, sustainability, integrated reporting and business science issues as a public good. A strong alignment with the UN’s Sustainable Development Goal #17 (Collaboration) and SDG #4 (Quality Education) is intended.. The GGA fulfills this mandate with due consideration for, and to the benefit of, the triple context within which it operates: society, the economy and the natural environment.

The Graduate Management Admission Council
The Graduate Management Admission Council
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Founded in 1953, GMAC is actively committed to advancing the art and science of admissions by convening and representing the industry and offering best-in-class products and services for schools and students.

We own and administer the Graduate Management Admission Test™ (GMAT™) exam. First administered in 1954, today, it is relied on by more than 7,000 graduate programs worldwide, and 9 out of 10 new MBA enrollments globally are made using a GMAT score.* The GMAT is the most widely used exam for graduate business school admissions, and more than 200,000 candidates take the GMAT exam every year.

Our other premier assessments include the NMAT by GMAC™ exam, for entrance into graduate management programs in India and South Africa, and the Executive Assessment, specifically designed for Executive MBA programs around the world.

The Council is based in the United States with offices in the United Kingdom, India, and Hong Kong. For information on assessments, study tools and services for candidates, visit http://www.mba.com.

The South African Business Schools Association (SABSA)
The South African Business Schools Association (SABSA)
South Africa
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The South African Business Schools Association (SABSA) aims to improve the recognition of the organisation as a representative of SA business schools with government and regulatory bodies. It also aims to strengthen ties with the business fraternity and the education sector as a whole. SABSA members all offer MBA or MBL programmes which are accredited by the Council on Higher Education (CHE). Twenty two member business schools are spread geographically around South Africa. They all offer full-time, part-time and modular or executive MBA programmes. A broad range of Executive Education short courses are also offered.

Turfloop Graduate School of Business Leadership
Turfloop Graduate School of Business Leadership
South Africa
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About TGSL

“Serving the Needs of Government, Business, and Civil Society ”

The Turfloop Graduate School of Leadership of the University of Limpopo is located at Edupark Campus which is located opposite the Peter Mokaba Stadium, which was one of the FIFA World Cup stadiums of 2010, in the city of Polokwane in the Limpopo Province.

TGSL was established in 1996 when the then Vice Chancellor of the “University of the North” signed an MoU with Baruch College and the New School of Social Research in New York City. Baruch intended to assist the University of the North with processes for the development of its own business school. The business school partnership fizzled out but resulted in the transference of the New School’s NGO training workshop methodologies to the University of the North which resulted in the establishment of the Development Facilitation and Training Initiative (DevFTI). Utilising the funds provided for by the New School in New York, the first South African NGO training workshops were held in 1997. The DevFTI programme attracted participation from Limpopo, East and Northern Cape, Mpumalanga, Kwazulu-Natal, Lesoth, Swaziland, Mozambique, Angoala, Democratic Republic of Congo and Rwanda. The workshops impressed the funders (Rockefeller, Mott and Ford Foundations) who provided further funds for more workshops and for the development of the Master Programme in Development (MDev).

In addition, intensive research of the market showed that besides the Master of Development both the Master of Business Administration (MBA) and Master of Public Administration (MPA) would be viable. DevFTI was able to fund the development of the MBA and the MPA.

With the establishment of EDUPARK Campus (a section 21 facilities management company of the University of the North) at Webster Street on the outskirts of Polokwane, DevFTI and the MDev programmes became located in the new campus. The establishment of the Graduate School of Leadership (TGSL) was then approved to house these three programmes and DevFTI on the basis that there would be no posts attached to it until it had proved its viability and on condition that it would become sustainable within two year. The Graduate School of Leadership was profitable in its first year through the large intake of students into the MDev progamme. The MBA and MPA programmes which were originally conducted in partnership with the University of Pretoria took another year to become viable. The new outfit was later housed as a School within the new Faculty of Management and Law and this is where it currently functions today.

The TGSL programmes are targeted at middle and senior managers in the various sectors (public service, civil society and corporate sector). The programmes are offered in a “block release” methodology allowing student to spend at week at the most at a given duration in Polokwane and at TGSL.

UCI Paul Merage School of Business
UCI Paul Merage School of Business
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As our lives become more digitally mediated, we must adapt both ourselves and our businesses for the disruption inherent in the digital environment. With this vision in mind, The Paul Merage School of Business has completely reframed its curricula to give students the high-caliber, holistic preparation they need to become effective leaders in a digitally-driven world.

UIR Rabat Business School
UIR Rabat Business School
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UIR Rabat Business School, develops future leaders for the African economy with a 66% international faculty representing 22 nationalities.

This global perspective equips students with managerial skills and intercultural agility, preparing them for a globalized business environment. Their focus is on ensuring graduate employability through excellence and awareness.

With a dynamic extracurricular life and an exceptional learning environment, UIR Rabat Business School is the only business school in Africa and the Middle East ranked among the Top 100 globally by the Financial Times.

UNISA School of Business Leadership
UNISA School of Business Leadership
South Africa
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The Unisa Graduate School of Business Leadership (SBL) is an academic college within the University of South Africa (Unisa).

In 1965, following the advice and active support of senior South African business leaders, Unisa decided to introduce a Master of Business Leadership (MBL). The success of this programme, coupled with the unique characteristics associated with a multidisciplinary degree led, in 1969, to the establishment of the SBL as an autonomous body within the university. As its name and that of its flagship programme (the MBL) indicate, the emphasis from the start has been on leadership development as opposed to administration.

Regarded as one of the top business schools in South Africa, the SBL has produced more than a third of all the MBL/MBA degrees awarded by South African universities since its inception.

Driven by a philosophy of innovation, social responsibility, ethical engagement and global connectedness, the success of the SBL’s approach is demonstrated daily by achievements of the people and organisations who have participated in their programmes. Many SBL alumni hold senior positions in world-class companies.


To be the leading African business school of choice offering internationally recognised leadership and management education.


  • Preparing today’s leaders for tomorrow’s challenges through the provision of affordable quality education and knowledge.
  • Training and developing dynamic, ethical leaders for Africa and globally, who value diversity and are dedicated to enhance human prosperity on the African continent and globally.
  • Effectively utilising ODL to deliver quality business education in Africa.
  • To continuously engage in cutting-edge research to produce new knowledge in the fields of management and leadership.


  • We care deeply about the future of Africa and its people.
  • We value integrity and ethics in all we do.
  • We are professionally dedicated to the service of our internal and external stakeholders.
  • We value continuous learning and change to be relevant in a dynamic global environment.
  • We are committed to offer affordable quality education.
UNIZIK Business School
UNIZIK Business School
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Unizik Business School (UBS), Nnamdi Azikiwe University Awka, Anambra State is an organized educational arm for management, business and leadership training instituted to impart relevant knowledge and skills that will create new industrialists, astute business persons, discerning corporate and institutional leaders, high level professionals and entrepreneurs that are driven by integrity and the highest ethical standards in their vocations.

USIU-Africa Chandaria School of Business
USIU-Africa Chandaria School of Business
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Chandaria School of Business infuses cutting edge modern research with applied real world learning. The school’s mission is to provide a range of knowledge, skills, attitudes and problem-solving abilities to enable students to respond to the need for successful management and leadership of profit and not for profit organizations in a dynamic environment.

University of Botswana
University of Botswana
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By 2029 the University will be a distinctive centre of academic excellence in Botswana, Africa and the World.


The University provides quality education, research, innovation and services for sustainable national development and global impact.

University of Cape Town Graduate School of Business
University of Cape Town Graduate School of Business
South Africa
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Setting the pace for business education in Africa for more than 50 years

The UCT Graduate School of Business is the business school of the University of Cape Town, South Africa’s oldest university. It was established in 1964 and forms part of UCT’s Faculty of Commerce.


As the authority in business research and education in Africa, we will provide aspiring leaders with the relevant knowledge, skills and competencies to lead change in Africa and beyond.


To contribute to the success of individuals and organisations through research-informed teaching, practice and thought leadership that creatively respond to the complex and pressing economic and social challenges of our world today.


  • We are passionate about learning, innovation and creativity. We recognise the legacies of our past, both positive and negative, while looking forward to an equitable and inclusive future based on respect for the value of diversity.
  • We are committed to Africa, and to South Africa’s future in our continent and in the world.
  • We accept the responsibility to act ethically and with professional integrity.
  • We nurture thought leadership, recognising and respecting diversity in points of view and the contribution that we can, and should, make to public intellectual life.
University of Dar es Salaam Business School
University of Dar es Salaam Business School
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The University of Dar es Salaam is the oldest and biggest public university in Tanzania. It is situated on the western side of the city of Dar es Salaam, occupying 1,625 acres on the observation hill, 13 kilometers from the city centre. It was established on 1st July 1970, through parliament act no. 12 of 1970 and all the enabling legal instruments of the constituent colleges.

University of Ghana Business School
University of Ghana Business School
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The University of Ghana Business School was established as the College of Administration by Executive Instrument – (E.I.127) at Achimota, Accra in January, 1960.  It started business on the 22nd January, 1960, on the old Western Compound of Achimota with the old Department of Commerce of the Kumasi College of Technology, established in 1952, (now KNUST) as its nucleus. The School was renamed School of Administration (SOA) and University of Ghana Business School (UGBS) in 1962 and 2004 respectively.

Before the School was departmentalised in 2004, there were only (4) four units namely:

  • Accounting Unit
  • Management Unit
  • Public Administration Unit
  • Health Services Administration Unit

The School’s name was launched in 2004 with the establishment of six academic departments and these include:

  • Department of Accounting
  • Department of Finance
  • Department of Marketing & Entrepreneurship
  • Department of Operations and Management Information Systems (OMIS)
  • Department of Organisation and Human Resource Management (OHRM)
  • Department of Public Administration and Health Services Management (PAHSM)

University of Kigali School of Business Management and Economics
University of Kigali School of Business Management and Economics
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University of Kigali is one of the leading private higher institutions of learning in Rwanda. It is a fully Accredited Chartered University by the Government of the Republic of Rwanda. It started its operations in October, 2013 upon receiving a definitive license to operate as a private University.


To be a pole of radiance and excellence nationally and internationally, with its quality education, research and provision of innovative serves to community.


To provide quality education programmes that match the labour market and development needs of Rwanda for graduates who are capable of contributing to national economic and social needs and who can compete on the international labour market.

University of KwaZulu Natal Graduate School of Business & Leadership
University of KwaZulu Natal Graduate School of Business & Leadership
South Africa
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To educate managers and leaders to create value for society. We are a school that is academically excellent, innovative in research and critically engaged with society and its institutions.


To be a prominent graduate school of business and leadership education in Africa.


  • Pursue excellence in teaching and learning
  • Engage in socially relevant and innovative research
  • Nurture regional, national and international partnerships and collaborations
  • Make GSB&L a School of choice for students
  • Engage in responsible community programmes

Core Values = REACHT

  • Respect
  • Excellence
  • Accountability
  • Collegiality
  • Honesty
  • Trust

University of Lagos Business School
University of Lagos Business School
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The trend in Ivy League institutions across the world has shown that the creation of independent Business Schools is inevitable. A business school is a center of excellence that projects the image of the entire University and sometimes develops into a better brand than the University itself. The vision of a business school is to possess the liberty to fully focus on providing scholars with quality education, and this is what University of Lagos Business School is setting its sights on. University of Lagos Business School hopes to be able to move to a regime of governance structure in the form of a non-profit foundation, governed by a board of trustees and governors. This would allow University of Lagos Business School to operate as an autonomous entity, in terms of direction and strategy.

The University of Lagos Business School (ULBS) was set up to advance the culture of excellence in Business education by the University of Lagos. The ULBS provides executive professional degree, diploma and certificate programmes, relevant to today’s working world and stands ready to help the new generation of business leaders and managers to solidify their immediate and long-term success in business

The ULBS gives students the experience, leadership skills and networking opportunities they need to succeed in business.  We are an institution dedicated to shaping leaders who will contribute immensely and ethically to the social and economic well-being of Nigeria and the world. At ULBS, students have the opportunity to be mentored by local business leaders, gain international experience through exchange opportunities and earn real-world, work experience in our business/industrial development programme before graduating. We nurture, promote innovation and entrepreneurship by providing students with access to powerful online and offline resources and simulations in the School.

The ULBS aims to be a centre of excellence, committed to the training and development of global managers and leaders, whilst providing a challenging and highly rewarding educational experience in a world class setting.

In addition, the University of Lagos Business School (ULBS) will offer a unique learning laboratory where innovation and technology help today’s new generation of business leaders to acquire the best theoretical and practical experiences, with their work on real-life problems in a learning format, combining case studies and simulations, using our Faculty Simulation Laboratory.

University of Lusaka
University of Lusaka
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The University of Lusaka (UNILUS) is a modern private university established under the University Act No. 11 of 1999 repealed as the Higher Education Act No. 4 of 2013. The University commenced its operations in 2007, initially as Institute of Corporate Training and Research (ICTAR) and served as sorrage of the Masters Degree programmes offered by the Copperbelt University.

In 2008, the University of Lusaka introduced its Bachelor’s Degree programmes in partnership with the Copperbelt University and in 2009 began offering its own programmes. Following this auspicious beginning, the University now offers a wide-range of programmes at Bachelor’s, Master’s and Doctoral levels.

Today, the total number of UNILUS students has risen to over 7,000 from 71 students in 2007 when the University opened. The University has grown from strength to strength and now has over 1000 Master’s students and over 60 PhD students from various parts of the region. This is a great achievement for a private University that has only been in existence for less than 10 years.

University of Nairobi School of Business
University of Nairobi School of Business
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Faculty of Business and Management Science

The Faculty of Business and Management Science is a new Faculty and comprises Comprises of 3 Teaching Departments; Namely Business Administration, Management Science and Finance & accounting. It Contains Some programmes from the Former CHSS and Department of Open Learning.

The mandate of the Faculty is to coordinate the implementation of University policies and programmes in the humanities and social sciences.


The College was established in 1985

The College introduced self sponsored programmes in 1998

The College opened its satellite campus in Mombasa in 2005 and Kisumu in 2007

Distance Learning (Module III) was launched in the Faculty of Arts and School of Business in 2007

New Faculty formed called Faculty of Business and Management Science (July,2021)

Previous Principals/ Executive Deans

Prof. Onesmas Mutungi (1982-1992)

Prof. Joseph N. Nyasani (1992-1997)

Prof. Francis N. Kibera (1997-2002)

Prof. Isaac Meroka Mbeche (2002-2011)

Prof. Njeru Enos H. Nthia (2011 – To date)

University of the Free State Business School
University of the Free State Business School
South Africa
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The UFS Business School was founded to:

  • Develop and deliver successful programmes
  • Teach and share our knowledge and convert learning into practice
  • Coach in an on campus and online environment
  • Empower individuals and organisations
  • Maximise potential; and achieve exceptional results

Also operating under the banner of the school, is The Centre for Business Dynamics, established to offer customised non-curricular training in order to assist companies and individuals in bridging the gap between their existing skills and competencies, and those required to ensure their future performance and competitiveness.

It was a strategic imperative of the UFS Business School to become internationally accredited to highlight the quality education, research, and value-adding engagement offered by the School.

Université Internationale Privée d’Excellence
Université Internationale Privée d’Excellence
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The Université Internationale Privée d'Excellence (UIE) is a state-accredited private university in Bamako, Mali, offering diverse programs in Business, Engineering, and Law. Dedicated to student success, UIE fosters innovation, cultural inclusivity, and international collaboration.

WITS Business School
WITS Business School
South Africa
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Accredited School

Our Vision

WBS will be a leading African Business School firmly embedded among the best business schools internationally.

Our Mission

To graduate agile and ethical leaders who are a force for positive change locally and globally. We will achieve this through empowering education, relevant research and impactful public discourse. These will be informed by the principles of critical thinking, innovation and sustainability.

Our Values

  • Excellence
  • Integrity
  • Sustainability driven
  • Responsiveness
  • Stakeholder-centric
  • Collaboration
Woxsen School of Business
Woxsen School of Business
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Established in 2014, Woxsen School of Business in Hyderabad is one of the top B schools in Hyderabad which offers diverse degree programs catering to a range of academic pursuits. Woxsen students are handpicked for their talent and innate abilities and fashioned into business executives who are professionally equipped to achieve business results in times of technological disruption.

The school’s culture inculcates in students a spirit of enquiry that drives a lifelong pursuit of personal and intellectual growth. This also fosters innovative new thinking and the quest to seek new tools to change the way things are done.

Our graduates are given real-world exposure through exceptional industry interface initiatives to be able to take up challenging assignments early in their careers. The school’s curriculum is designed to equip our students to make disciplined, data-based decisions backed by a full spectrum of domain knowledge making it one of the top business schools in Hyderabad.

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